Enerdata works with governments and institutions in order to build forecasts scenarios and develop strategies for reducing emissions. Enerdata’s Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACCs) model has been developed to identify the lowest-cost options for carbon reduction in over 69 countries and regions across the globe.
Enerdata’s emissions reduction experts use the MACCs model as basis for their recommendations or assessment of national emissions targets, national emissions trading scenarios and National Allocation Plans (NAP). Enerdata’s emissions reduction services include:
- Production of MACCs by country, region or sector
- Sector specific breakdown of emissions
- Detailed GHG breakdown including the different industry sources
- Detailed breakdown of energy and climate indicators
- Sensitivity analysis
- Specific scenario building tailored to clients’ requests
- Corresponding strategic advisory services on lowest cost options for maximum abatement
In addition, Enerdata is able to provide a deeper analysis and build a holistic picture of emissions reduction possibilities by combining MACCs findings with a series of other in-house forecasting models:
Our combined consulting capacities give the industry’s most fine-tuned picture of emissions reduction possibilities to our clients.
Decarbonisation of Transport in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur for the PACA region
For a government office elaborating its national energy policy: Enerdata was selected to create the BAU national forecasting scenario as basis for BAU CO2 emissions and the corresponding Marginal Abatement Cost Curves to predict and suggest policy measures for reducing future CO2 emissions. Enerdata provided forecasts and detailed reports covering a range of scenarios based on the in-house MACCs model. As a result, the client was gifted a clear platform to assess possible future CO2 emissions and formulate strategic, cost-related abatement decisions.
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